Autore: alberto.mucci

Ventitre anni, gli ultimi quasi tutti (purtroppo) passati fuori dall’Italia: la maggior parte a Londra con intramezzi mediorientali per tentare di studiare un arabo mai imparato e un periodo, caldo e fantastico, nell’Africa dell’Est. Oggi scrive di politica americana, cultura pop e quant’altro. Vive a Chicago, la città di Obama o come la descrive David Axelrod, mitico consigliere del presidente, ciò che “è oggi quello che fu Boston ai tempi dei Kennedy” – il centro ufficioso del potere politico americano. Oltre allo scrivere c’è la bicicletta, il nuoto e i libri. Un giorno ne vorrebbe scrivere uno suo. Prima però ci vuole un’idea. Al momento non c’è, ma forse magari un giorno verrà.

Italy’s Renzi visits Teheran

Iran's Rouhani and Italy's Renzi during a conference

Iran’s Rouhani and Italy’s Renzi during a conference

MILAN – Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi is flying to Iran on Tuesday for a two-day official visit with leaders of the Islamic Republic that is also packed with meetings with Iran’s business and trade representatives.


Donald Trump ignores Europe’s far-right

Presidential Candidate Donald Trump Campaigns In Wisconsin Ahead Of State's Primary

PARIS — Europe’s far-right politicians are desperate to make friends with Donald Trump, but the U.S. Republican candidate is snubbing them — at least for now.

As Trump continues to dominate headlines — in the U.S. and in Europe — with provocative statements that women who seek abortions should be subject to “some form of punishment” or that NATO is “obsolete,” far-right and Euroskeptic groups from France to Italy to the Netherlands are trying to ride the billionaire’s momentum to make gains at home. (altro…)

Do Sweden’s refugee policies work?

Refugee's welcome on the front page of free newspaper Metro in Sweden

Refugee’s welcome on the front page of free newspaper Metro in Sweden

Malmo – Aida Hadzialic arrived in Sweden as a Bosnian refugee in 1992. She was five years old and her parents had just escaped the Balkan war.

Hadzialic learned Swedish, integrated into her new neighbourhood, graduated from high school and enrolled as a law student at the University of Lund, where she first started to get involved in politics.


Your Breakfast Itinerary in the Brunch Capital of the World



 “Do you know what you want?” Ercan, one of the six brothers running Van Kahvalti Evi, Istanbul’s best breakfast spot, asks me. “Istanbul’s best breakfast” is a hard claim to defend in a sprawling city with more than 15 million people, but the queue outside the restaurant seems to confirm that this place is brunch royalty.c


Come Kiribati si prepara a combattere i cambiamenti climatici

Kiribati's coastline (photo via Unicef)

Kiribati’s coastline (photo via Unicef)

Kiribati è ormai un simbolo dei cambiamenti climatici e dei loro effetti. La battaglia del suo presidente, Anote Tong, in carica dal 2003 è però una battaglia persa in partenza. Secondo uno studio condotto dal Gruppo per Lo Sviluppo delle Nazioni Unite (UNDP) il livello del mare nel sud est del Pacifico si alzerà di almeno un metro prima della fine del secolo. (altro…)

Inside the booming Muslim fashion Industry

Jakarta fashion week

A moment of Jakarta fashion week (photo via Vogue)


Anas Silwood moved to Jordan from Britain to study Arabic back in 2000. The 20-something was supposed to stay for only a few months, but he soon decided Amman was the place he wanted to be. He learned Arabic, converted to Islam and settled.

“Every time I went back to the UK I had the same problem,” he says. “People looked at me in a funny way because of what I was wearing. It happened over and over again, and that’s how I realised there must be a lot of Muslims in need of better-designed and better-made clothing.” 

Far-right sees its chance as Europe stumbles

(LtoR) Italian Lega Nord (Northern League) Secretary, Matteo Salvini, French far-right Front National (FN) party president Marine Le Pen and Dutch far-right Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders attend a press conference at the end of  the first ENF (Europe of Nations and Freedom) congress in Milan on January 29, 2016.  / AFP / GIUSEPPE CACACE        (Photo credit should read GIUSEPPE CACACE/AFP/Getty Images)

(LtoR) Italian Lega Nord (Northern League) Secretary, Matteo Salvini, French far-right Front National (FN) party president Marine Le Pen and Dutch far-right Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders attend a press conference at the end of the first ENF (Europe of Nations and Freedom) congress in Milan on January 29, 2016. / AFP / GIUSEPPE CACACE (Photo credit should read GIUSEPPE CACACE/AFP/Getty Images)

MILAN — Europe’s far-right sees the collapse of the passport-free Schengen area and the Brexit debate as a golden opportunity for Euroskeptic, anti-immigrant parties to turn their growing popularity into real political power. (altro…)